Email Marketing

Do Food Manufacturers Need Email Marketing To Boost Business?

In today’s cut-throat marketplace, a strategic email marketing campaign is no longer a ‘nice to have’ but a critical tool for businesses. Despite the surge in social media platforms, email marketing remains unrivaled in its potential reach and conversion power. But is email marketing for food manufacturers necessary? Email marketing, in general, has the highest ROI of any marketing channel. While national and international brands embrace email, it’s the small to medium-sized F&B companies that…

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Unveiling Success Secrets: Exploring 7 Captivating Food Industry Video Sales Letters

In the fast-paced digital food, beverage, and equipment marketing world, businesses constantly search for new ways to capture their target audience’s attention… and sales. One highly effective tool is the Video Sales Letter (VSL). VSLs are short videos that combine spoken persuasive text with engaging visuals to deliver a compelling sales message. In the food industry, where visual appeal is everything, VSLs have become integral to marketing and sales strategies. This article will help new…

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Website Content

Step-by-Step Guide to Keyword Research for B2B Food Websites

Keyword research is the first step of any successful SEO strategy. It is the process of identifying the words and phrases people use to find your products or services online. This article will guide you on how to conduct effective keyword research for B2B food websites. The importance of keyword research cannot be overstated. Specific keywords attract targeted traffic to your website. Targeted traffic is what digital marketers call people who want what you’re offering.…

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